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About Selkie Soul Work

Selkie Soul Work LLC. uses both a research & evidence-based curriculum developed by Lexií Galbreath, as well as following the Groundswell Community Project's Surf Therapy™ model.


Selkie Soul Work is a holistic blue health & eco-therapy program that focuses on deepening and healing the mind-body-soul connection using ocean play as a healing modality. This program dives deep into the individual and through time spent outdoors as well as cold-water immersion, breath-work, sound medicine & meditation healing naturally happens, and we reconnect with our true selves.
This program is good for anyone and everyone-those wanting to strengthen their inner locus of control or physical form and cultivate more self-love to those wanting to heal from stress, anxiety, depression, and/or traumas as well as those simply wanting to stay safe while immersed in natural blue and green spaces.
The Selkie Soul program is, at it's heart, a surf therapy program; however, at Selkie Soul Work we believe the ocean is a big playgroup with natural healing benefits for all. The program is designed for the individual and their needs and wants. Not everyone has to surf or even get in the water to be part of this program and receive the abundance of emotional, physical, and mental health benefits nature has to offer!

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My Philosophy

I (Lexií Galbreath) live my life guided by three words, "We Are Nature". It is my belief that when we immerse ourselves in nature we are participating in a homecoming. We're returning to our place of origin. To be held in the ocean can only be compared to being held in the womb. The vibrations received from hugging a tree are as emotionally uplifting as the vibrations of energy received when hugging a loved one. Nature provides a familiar safety that your DNA recognizes. It is my belief that by immersing ourselves in nature and spending time in, on, or around water we can tap into an often-forgotten power that allows us to open completely and be held in the safety that is all that we are, deeply nourished, allowing us to be our true and best selves.

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